Living Sustainably and Healthy in 2023

The start of a new year is the perfect time to make a change – let’s make 2023 the year of meeting all of our goals. For me, my two main goals are to step up my health and fitness and also find more ways to go green. Whether it’s fitness or sustainability - we’ve got a few suggestions on how to accomplish those goals in 2023! 


Finding ways to be sustainable can be difficult to manage but finding small steps to do so can make a big difference. Recycling, reducing plastic use and switching to energy efficient appliances can be a good place to start. But for those of you who are trying to take a larger leap, composting is a perfect way to do so and it’s never been easier with the Lomi.


43% of food waste in the U.S. happens at the household level. Lomi is the world’s first Smart Waste™ appliance. It takes your food waste and creates soil. Compared to throwing your waste in the landfill, using Lomi reduces your carbon footprint by up to 127%. So, How does that work? 

Lomi’s dirt is rich in organic matter and organic carbon. Typically, food waste breaks down in landfills releases methane, a greenhouse gas with 80x the warming power of carbon dioxide. When Lomi dirt is used in combination with soil to grow plants, these nutrients are broken down to help feed plants. Nutrients like carbon get stored in plant matter instead of released as carbon dioxide.

Another big step to take into being more sustainable is going solar. Solar energy is clean. It creates no carbon emissions or other heat-trapping “greenhouse” gases. It avoids the environmental damage associated with mining or drilling for fossil fuels.

For a long time, I thought about how I could contribute to making the world a little greener and I figured a great place to start was going solar! 


Here are three reasons I chose to go with Solaria:

Aesthetic Look:They have an aesthetic edge over other brands of solar panels. 

Savings: Solaria has a team of specialists that work together to create a custom solar plan for your home that will maximize your energy savings.

Easability: From the initial quote process to installation, going solar has never been easier.


Health and fitness can be a tough thing to tackle especially after the Holidays and finding the time to do it all can be overwhelming. I’ve found that taking small steps towards your goals is the best way to go. Sometimes heading to the gym everyday doesn’t fit into our schedule, but working out at home can be a great alternative. All you need is some good exercise equipment and a video to follow along with and you’re good to go! Below I’ve tagged my favorite exercise equipment brand.


Bala is an innovative fitness equipment company that will change the way you move. They believe form and function should coexist, that fashion and fitness go hand-in-hand and that design alone can inspire movement. Their designs empower everyone to move; through creativity and self-expression.

And for those of you who do have the time to head to the gym, the Beast Blender + Hydration system can be your new best friend! This blender has a unique design that makes it perfect for smoothies and shakes on the go!

Check out the details below:


The Beast Blender + Hydration System is designed with industry-leading technology, resulting in the ultimate machine to prepare nutrient-rich smoothies and infusions to help boost that healthy lifestyle. The combination of the Beast Blender with the Hydration System allows you to make perfect blends and infused water. By quickly pulsing your ingredients before infusing, your water will have tons of flavor and more nutrients compared to infusing larger pieces of ingredients. It’s also great for taking your blends on the go.


Why Farmer’s Markets Matter?


Solaria: Doing my Part for a Better Future